
Sentence Analyzer

夕食後 おとうさん ジョージ こっそり 呼び出した

English Translation

After dinner, George's dad took him aside.




Yūshokugo, otōsan wa Jo-Ji o kossori to yobidashita.


夕食後 (ゆうしょくご)
after dinner
お父さん (おとうさん、おとっさん)
father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy; dada
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
こっそり (こっそり)
stealthily; secretly
if; when; and; with; particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.); quoting particle; promoted pawn; indicates question (sentence end)
呼び出す (よびだす)
to summon; to call (e.g. phone); to convene; to decoy; to lure; to invoke (e.g. subroutine); to call; to open (e.g. a file)


Readings: セキ、 ゆう
Meaning: evening
Readings: ショク、 ジキ、 く.う、 く.らう、 た.べる、 は.む
Meanings: eat, food
Readings: ゴ、 コウ、 のち、 うし.ろ、 うしろ、 あと、 おく.れる
Meanings: behind, back, later
Readings: コ、 よ.ぶ
Meanings: call, call out to, invite
Readings: シュツ、 スイ、 で.る、 -で、 だ.す、 -だ.す、 い.でる、 い.だす
Meanings: exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude