
Sentence Analyzer

与党 腐敗している しかし 野党 だって 同じ ような もの

English Translation

The party in power is corrupt, but the opposition is little better.




Yotō wa fuhaishiteiru, shikashi yatō datte onaji yōna mono da.


与党 (よとう)
ruling party; government party; party in power; government
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
腐敗 (ふはい)
decomposition; putrefaction; putrescence; spoilage; corruption; degeneracy; decay; depravity
然し (しかし)
however; but
野党 (やとう)
opposition party; political opposition; opposition
だって (だって)
after all; because; but; even; too; as well; also; they say; I hear; you mean
同じ (おなじ、おんなじ)
same; identical; equal; uniform; equivalent; similar; common (origin); changeless; alike; (usu. part of a 'nara' conditional) anyway; anyhow; in either case
様だ (ようだ)
(usu. at sentence-end) seeming to be; appearing to be; like; similar to; in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; indicates hope, wish, request or mild command
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative


Readings: ヨ、 あた.える、 あずか.る、 くみ.する、 ともに
Meanings: bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend
Readings: トウ、 なかま、 むら
Meanings: party, faction, clique
Readings: フ、 くさ.る、 -くさ.る、 くさ.れる、 くさ.れ、 くさ.らす、 くさ.す
Meanings: rot, decay, sour
Readings: ハイ、 やぶ.れる
Meanings: failure, defeat, reversal
Readings: ヤ、 ショ、 の、 の-
Meanings: plains, field, rustic, civilian life
Readings: ドウ、 おな.じ
Meanings: same, agree, equal