
Sentence Analyzer

日本 いちばん おいしい 果物

English Translation

What's the most delicious fruit in Japan?




Nippon de ichiban oishii kudamono wa nani?


日本 (にほん、にっぽん)
indicates location of action; at; in; indicates time of action; indicates means of action; cause of effect; by; and then; so; indicates continuing action; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.
一番 (いちばん)
number one; first; first place; best; most; game; round; bout; as a test; as an experiment; by way of experiment; by way of trial; tentatively; song (e.g. in Noh); piece
美味しい (おいしい、オイシイ)
delicious; tasty; sweet
果物 (くだもの、かぶつ)
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
what; how many; you-know-what; that; whatsit; what's the expression; what do you call them; what?; hey!


Readings: ニチ、 ジツ、 ひ、 -び、 -か
Meanings: day, sun, Japan, counter for days
Readings: ホン、 もと
Meanings: book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things
Readings: カ、 は.たす、 はた.す、 -は.たす、 は.てる、 -は.てる、 は.て
Meanings: fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
Readings: ブツ、 モツ、 もの、 もの-
Meanings: thing, object, matter
Readings: カ、 なに、 なん、 なに-、 なん-
Meaning: what