
Sentence Analyzer

日本 運転する ときに 左側 通行 忘れず

English Translation

When you drive in Japan, remember to keep to the left.




Nippon de kuruma o untensuru tokini wa hidarigawa tsūkō o wasurezu ni.


日本 (にほん、にっぽん)
indicates location of action; at; in; indicates time of action; indicates means of action; cause of effect; by; and then; so; indicates continuing action; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.
car; automobile; vehicle; wheel
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
運転 (うんてん)
operation (of a machine, etc.); operating; running; run; driving; working (capital, etc.)
時に (ときに)
by the way; incidentally; sometimes; occasionally
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
左側 (ひだりがわ、さそく)
left; left (hand) side
通行 (つうこう)
passage; passing; common usage
忘れる (わすれる)
to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article)
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although


Readings: ニチ、 ジツ、 ひ、 -び、 -か
Meanings: day, sun, Japan, counter for days
Readings: ホン、 もと
Meanings: book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things
Readings: シャ、 くるま
Meaning: car
Readings: ウン、 はこ.ぶ
Meanings: carry, luck, destiny, fate, lot, transport, progress, advance
Readings: テン、 ころ.がる、 ころ.げる、 ころ.がす、 ころ.ぶ、 まろ.ぶ、 うたた、 うつ.る、 くる.めく
Meanings: revolve, turn around, change
Readings: サ、 シャ、 ひだり
Meaning: left
Readings: ソク、 かわ、 がわ、 そば
Meanings: side, lean, oppose, regret
Readings: ツウ、 ツ、 とお.る、 とお.り、 -とお.り、 -どお.り、 とお.す、 とお.し、 -どお.し、 かよ.う
Meanings: traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
Readings: コウ、 ギョウ、 アン、 い.く、 ゆ.く、 -ゆ.き、 -ゆき、 -い.き、 -いき、 おこな.う、 おこ.なう
Meanings: going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank
Readings: ボウ、 わす.れる
Meaning: forget