
Sentence Analyzer

日本 企業 ふつう 従業員 制服 与える

English Translation

Japanese companies generally provide their employees with uniforms.




Nippon no kigyō wa futsū jūgyōin ni seifuku o ataeru.


日本 (にほん、にっぽん)
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
企業 (きぎょう)
enterprise; undertaking; corporation; business
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
普通 (ふつう)
general; ordinary; usual; normally; generally; usually; train that stops at every station
従業員 (じゅうぎょういん)
employee; worker
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
制服 (せいふく)
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
与える (あたえる)
to give (esp. to someone of lower status); to bestow; to grant; to confer; to present; to award; to provide; to afford; to offer; to supply; to assign; to cause; to pass (a variable to a function)


Readings: ニチ、 ジツ、 ひ、 -び、 -か
Meanings: day, sun, Japan, counter for days
Readings: ホン、 もと
Meanings: book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things
Readings: キ、 くわだ.てる、 たくら.む
Meanings: undertake, scheme, design, attempt, plan
Readings: ギョウ、 ゴウ、 わざ
Meanings: business, vocation, arts, performance
Readings: ジュウ、 ショウ、 ジュ、 したが.う、 したが.える、 より
Meanings: accompany, obey, submit to, comply, follow, secondary, incidental, subordinate
Reading: イン
Meanings: employee, member, number, the one in charge
Reading: セイ
Meanings: system, law, rule
Reading: フク
Meanings: clothing, admit, obey, discharge
Readings: ヨ、 あた.える、 あずか.る、 くみ.する、 ともに
Meanings: bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend