
Sentence Analyzer

来る といけない から 準備しておいた よろしい

English Translation

You had better be ready in case he comes.




Kare ga kuru toikenai kara junbishiteoita hō ga yoroshii.


he; him; his; boyfriend
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
来る (くる)
to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive; to come back; to do ... and come back; to come to be; to become; to get; to grow; to continue; to come from; to be caused by; to derive from; to come to (i.e. "when it comes to spinach ...")
if; when; and; with; particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.); quoting particle; promoted pawn; indicates question (sentence end)
から (から)
from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since; from (originator); by; because; since; out of (constituent, part); through (e.g. window, vestibule); after; since
準備 (じゅんび)
preparation; setup; arrangements; provision; reserve
direction; way; person; lady; gentleman; method of; manner of; way of; care of ..; person in charge of ..; side (e.g. "on my mother's side")
宜しい (よろしい)
good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can


Readings: ヒ、 かれ、 かの、 か.の
Meanings: he, that, the
Readings: ライ、 タイ、 く.る、 きた.る、 きた.す、 き.たす、 き.たる、 き、 こ
Meanings: come, due, next, cause, become
Readings: ジュン、 じゅん.じる、 じゅん.ずる、 なぞら.える、 のり、 ひと.しい、 みずもり
Meanings: semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate
Readings: ビ、 そな.える、 そな.わる、 つぶさ.に
Meanings: equip, provision, preparation
Readings: ホウ、 かた、 -かた、 -がた
Meanings: direction, person, alternative