
Sentence Analyzer

彼女 議論する ような 馬鹿 ない

English Translation

He knows better than to argue with her.




Kare wa kanojo to gironsuru yōna baka de wa nai.


he; him; his; boyfriend
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
彼女 (かのじょ)
she; her; her; girlfriend; sweetheart
if; when; and; with; particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.); quoting particle; promoted pawn; indicates question (sentence end)
議論 (ぎろん)
argument; discussion; dispute; controversy
様だ (ようだ)
(usu. at sentence-end) seeming to be; appearing to be; like; similar to; in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; indicates hope, wish, request or mild command
馬鹿 (ばか、バカ)
fool; idiot; trivial matter; folly; absurdity; foolish; stupid; dull; absurd; ridiculous; Mactra chinensis (species of trough shell)
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative
ない (ない)
not; emphatic suffix


Readings: ヒ、 かれ、 かの、 か.の
Meanings: he, that, the
Readings: ジョ、 ニョ、 ニョウ、 おんな、 め
Meanings: woman, female
Meanings: deliberation, consultation, debate, consideration
Reading: ロン
Meanings: argument, discourse
Readings: バ、 うま、 うま-、 ま
Meaning: horse
Readings: ロク、 しか、 か
Meaning: deer