
Sentence Analyzer

彼女 来た 仕事 ほとんど 終わっていた

English Translation

I had almost finished my work when she came.




Kanojo ga kita toki shigoto wa hotondo owatteita.


彼女 (かのじょ)
she; her; her; girlfriend; sweetheart
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
来る (きたる)
next (e.g. "next April"); forthcoming; coming; to come; to arrive; to be due to
time; hour; moment; occasion; case; chance; opportunity; season; the times; the age; the day; tense
仕事 (しごと)
work; job; business; occupation; employment; vocation; task; work
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
殆ど (ほとんど)
mostly; nearly; practically; well-nigh; almost invariably; all but; just about; almost
終わる (おわる)
to finish; to end; to close


Readings: ヒ、 かれ、 かの、 か.の
Meanings: he, that, the
Readings: ジョ、 ニョ、 ニョウ、 おんな、 め
Meanings: woman, female
Readings: ライ、 タイ、 く.る、 きた.る、 きた.す、 き.たす、 き.たる、 き、 こ
Meanings: come, due, next, cause, become
Readings: ジ、 とき、 -どき
Meanings: time, hour
Readings: シ、 ジ、 つか.える
Meanings: attend, doing, official, serve
Readings: ジ、 ズ、 こと、 つか.う、 つか.える
Meanings: matter, thing, fact, business, reason, possibly
Readings: シュウ、 お.わる、 -お.わる、 おわ.る、 お.える、 つい、 つい.に
Meanings: end, finish