
Sentence Analyzer

彼女 びる 交際したくない 思っている

English Translation

She doesn't like to associate with Bill.




Kanojo wa biru to kōsaishitakunai to omotteiru.


彼女 (かのじょ)
she; her; her; girlfriend; sweetheart
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
ビル (ビル)
multi-floor building; multi-storey building; bill
if; when; and; with; particle used for quoting (with speech, thoughts, etc.); quoting particle; promoted pawn; indicates question (sentence end)
交際 (こうさい)
company; friendship; association; society; acquaintance
思う (おもう)
to think; to consider; to believe; to think (of doing); to plan (to do); to judge; to assess; to regard; to imagine; to suppose; to dream; to expect; to look forward to; to feel; to desire; to want; to recall; to remember


Readings: ヒ、 かれ、 かの、 か.の
Meanings: he, that, the
Readings: ジョ、 ニョ、 ニョウ、 おんな、 め
Meanings: woman, female
Readings: コウ、 まじ.わる、 まじ.える、 ま.じる、 まじ.る、 ま.ざる、 ま.ぜる、 -か.う、 か.わす、 かわ.す、 こもごも
Meanings: mingle, mixing, association, coming & going
Readings: サイ、 きわ、 -ぎわ
Meanings: occasion, side, edge, verge, dangerous, adventurous, indecent, time, when
Readings: シ、 おも.う、 おもえら.く、 おぼ.す
Meaning: think