
Sentence Analyzer

その 必ず やってくる

English Translation

That day shall come.




Sono hi wa kanarazu yattekuru.


其の (その)
that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener); the; um...; er...; uh...
day; days; sun; sunshine; sunlight; case (esp. unfortunate); event
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
必ず (かならず)
always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively; invariably
やって来る (やってくる)
to come along; to come around; to turn up; to arrive at the present; to get where one is; to have been doing something (for a period of time)


Readings: ニチ、 ジツ、 ひ、 -び、 -か
Meanings: day, sun, Japan, counter for days
Readings: ヒツ、 かなら.ず
Meanings: invariably, certain, inevitable