
Sentence Analyzer

彼女 若い より 暮らし向き よい

English Translation

She is now better off than when she was young.




Kanojo wa wakai koro yori ima wa kurashimuki ga yoi.


彼女 (かのじょ)
she; her; her; girlfriend; sweetheart
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
若い (わかい)
young; youthful; immature; green; low (number); small
(approximate) time; around; about; toward; suitable time (or condition); time of year; season
より (より)
than; from; out of; since; at; on; except; but; other than; more
now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately; (one) more
暮らし向き (くらしむき)
circumstances; lifestyle; life circumstances
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
良い (よい)
good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable; sufficient (can be used to turn down an offer); ready; prepared; profitable (e.g. deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial; OK


Readings: ヒ、 かれ、 かの、 か.の
Meanings: he, that, the
Readings: ジョ、 ニョ、 ニョウ、 おんな、 め
Meanings: woman, female
Readings: ジャク、 ニャク、 ニャ、 わか.い、 わか-、 も.しくわ、 も.し、 も.しくは、 ごと.し
Meanings: young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature
Readings: ケイ、 キョウ、 ころ、 ごろ、 しばら.く
Meanings: time, about, toward
Readings: コン、 キン、 いま
Meaning: now
Readings: ボ、 く.れる、 く.らす
Meanings: evening, twilight, season's end, livelihood, make a living, spend time
Readings: コウ、 む.く、 む.い、 -む.き、 む.ける、 -む.け、 む.かう、 む.かい、 む.こう、 む.こう-、 むこ、 むか.い
Meanings: yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach