
Sentence Analyzer

あん 恥ずかしがり やな ので ますます あん 好き

English Translation

I love Ann all the more because she is shy.




An ga hazukashigari yana node, watashi wa masumasu An ga suki da.


idea; plan; thought; draft plan; motion; rough copy; expectation
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
恥ずかしい (はずかしい)
shy; ashamed; embarrassed; disgraceful; shameful
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
ので (ので、んで)
that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ....; given that...
I; me; private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; selfishness
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
益々 (ますます)
increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less
好き (すき)
liking; fondness; love
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative


Readings: チ、 は.じる、 はじ、 は.じらう、 は.ずかしい
Meanings: shame, dishonor
Readings: シ、 わたくし、 わたし
Meanings: private, I, me
Readings: コウ、 この.む、 す.く、 よ.い、 い.い
Meanings: fond, pleasing, like something