
Sentence Analyzer

お金 あれば でも 買える という 考え 間違っている

English Translation

The idea that money can buy everything is wrong.




Okane ga areba nani demo kaeru toiu kangae wa machigatteiru.


お金 (おかね)
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
有る (ある)
to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to exist; to live; to have; to be located; to be equipped with; to happen; to come about
what; how many; you-know-what; that; whatsit; what's the expression; what do you call them; what?; hey!
でも (でも)
but; however; though; nevertheless; still; yet; even so; even; however; no matter how; even if; even though; ... or something; either ... or ...; neither ... nor ...; pseudo-; quack; in-name-only; for lack of anything better to do
と言う (という、とゆう)
called; named; as many as; as much as; all X; every X
考え (かんがえ)
thinking; thought; view; opinion; concept; idea; notion; imagination; intention; plan; design; consideration; judgement; deliberation; reflection; wish; hope; expectation
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
間違う (まちがう)
to make a mistake; to be incorrect; to be mistaken


Readings: キン、 コン、 ゴン、 かね、 かな-、 -がね
Meaning: gold
Readings: カ、 なに、 なん、 なに-、 なん-
Meaning: what
Readings: バイ、 か.う
Meaning: buy
Readings: コウ、 かんが.える、 かんが.え
Meanings: consider, think over
Readings: カン、 ケン、 あいだ、 ま、 あい
Meanings: interval, space
Readings: イ、 ちが.う、 ちが.い、 ちが.える、 -ちが.える、 たが.う、 たが.える
Meanings: difference, differ