
Sentence Analyzer

この 支払い 問題 解決 できる よう 指摘 改善す べく 努力いたします

English Translation

We will try to correct it in order to straighten out our finances.




Kono o shiharai no mondai ga kaiketsu dekiru yō, go shiteki no ken o kaizensu beku doryokuitashimasu.


此の (この)
this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)
honorific/polite/humble prefix
支払い (しはらい)
indicates possessive; nominalizes verbs and adjectives; substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion; (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis; (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
問題 (もんだい)
question (e.g. on a test); problem; problem (e.g. societal, political); question; issue; subject (e.g. of research); case; matter; question (i.e. doubt); public discussion; controversy; trouble; problem; inconvenience; difficulty
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
解決 (かいけつ)
settlement; solution; resolution
出来る (できる)
to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task; to be ready; to be completed; to be made; to be built; to be good at; to be permitted (to do); to become intimate; to take up (with somebody); to grow; to be raised; to become pregnant
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of ...ing; form; style; design; like; similar to; thing (thought or spoken)
honorific/polite/humble prefix; honorific suffix
指摘 (してき)
pointing out; identification
matter; case; item; affair; subject
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
改善 (かいぜん)
betterment; improvement; kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)
可し (べし)
shall; should; must
努力 (どりょく)
great effort; exertion; endeavour; endeavor; effort


Readings: シ、 ささ.える、 つか.える、 か.う
Meanings: branch, support, sustain, branch radical (no. 65)
Readings: フツ、 ヒツ、 ホツ、 はら.う、 -はら.い、 -ばら.い
Meanings: pay, clear out, prune, banish, dispose of
Readings: モン、 と.う、 と.い、 とん
Meanings: question, ask, problem
Reading: ダイ
Meanings: topic, subject
Readings: カイ、 ゲ、 と.く、 と.かす、 と.ける、 ほど.く、 ほど.ける、 わか.る、 さと.る
Meanings: unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute
Readings: ケツ、 き.める、 -ぎ.め、 き.まる、 さ.く
Meanings: decide, fix, agree upon, appoint
Readings: シ、 ゆび、 さ.す、 -さ.し
Meanings: finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler)
Readings: テキ、 つ.む
Meanings: pinch, pick, pluck, trim, clip, summarize
Readings: ケン、 くだん
Meanings: affair, case, matter, item
Readings: カイ、 あらた.める、 あらた.まる
Meanings: reformation, change, modify, mend, renew, examine, inspect, search
Readings: ゼン、 よ.い、 い.い、 よ.く、 よし.とする
Meanings: virtuous, good, goodness
Readings: ド、 つと.める
Meanings: toil, diligent, as much as possible
Readings: リョク、 リキ、 リイ、 ちから
Meanings: power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert