
Sentence Analyzer

この ヨット ほど 速く 走る ヨット ない

English Translation

No sailboat is faster than this one.




Kono yotto hodo hayaku hashiru yotto wa nai.


此の (この)
this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)
ヨット (ヨット)
yacht (usually only used for a sailing boat with one mast)
degree; extent; bounds; limit; indicates approx. amount or maximum; upper limit
早い (はやい)
fast; quick; hasty; brisk; early (in the day, etc.); premature; (too) soon; not yet; (too) early; easy; simple; quick
走る (はしる)
to run; to travel (movement of vehicles); to drive; to hurry to; to retreat (from battle); to take flight; to run away from home; to elope; to tend heavily toward
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
ない (ない)
not; emphatic suffix


Readings: ソク、 はや.い、 はや-、 はや.める、 すみ.やか
Meanings: quick, fast
Readings: ソウ、 はし.る
Meaning: run