
Sentence Analyzer

この 計画 どう 思います

English Translation

What do you think of this plan?




Kono keikaku wa dō omoimasu ka.


此の (この)
this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)
計画 (けいかく)
plan; project; schedule; scheme; program; programme
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
如何 (どう、いかが、いか)
how; in what way; how about
思う (おもう)
to think; to consider; to believe; to think (of doing); to plan (to do); to judge; to assess; to regard; to imagine; to suppose; to dream; to expect; to look forward to; to feel; to desire; to want; to recall; to remember
indicates a question (sometimes rhetorical); or; whether or not; some- (e.g. something, someone); indicates doubt, uncertainty, etc.; emphatic prefix; suffix forming adjectives or adverbs; in that way


Readings: ケイ、 はか.る、 はか.らう
Meanings: plot, plan, scheme, measure
Readings: ガ、 カク、 エ、 カイ、 えが.く、 かく.する、 かぎ.る、 はかりごと、 はか.る
Meanings: brush-stroke, picture
Readings: シ、 おも.う、 おもえら.く、 おぼ.す
Meaning: think