
Sentence Analyzer

この 仕事 合わない

English Translation

This job doesn't pay.




Kono shigoto wa wari ni awanai.


此の (この)
this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)
仕事 (しごと)
work; job; business; occupation; employment; vocation; task; work
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
rate; ratio; proportion; percentage; profit; assignment; 10%; unit of ten percent; match; schedule of matches; diluted with (of drinks); mixed with
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
合う (あう、おう)
to come together; to merge; to unite; to meet; to fit; to match; to suit; to agree with; to be correct; to be profitable; to be equitable; to do ... to each other; to do ... together


Readings: シ、 ジ、 つか.える
Meanings: attend, doing, official, serve
Readings: ジ、 ズ、 こと、 つか.う、 つか.える
Meanings: matter, thing, fact, business, reason, possibly
Readings: カツ、 わ.る、 わり、 わ.り、 わ.れる、 さ.く
Meanings: proportion, comparatively, divide, cut, separate, split
Readings: ゴウ、 ガッ、 カッ、 あ.う、 -あ.う、 あ.い、 あい-、 -あ.い、 -あい、 あ.わす、 あ.わせる、 -あ.わせる
Meanings: fit, suit, join, 0.1