
Sentence Analyzer

この に関して 意見 異なっている

English Translation

Opinions vary on this point.




Kono ten nikanshite wa iken ga kotonatteiru.


此の (この)
this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)
spot; mark; point; dot; mark (e.g. in exam); score; points; comma; aspect; matter; respect; counter for goods, items, articles of clothing, works of art, etc.
に関して (にかんして)
related to; in relation to
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
意見 (いけん)
opinion; view; comment
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
異なる (ことなる)
to differ; to vary; to disagree


Readings: テン、 つ.ける、 つ.く、 た.てる、 さ.す、 とぼ.す、 とも.す、 ぼち
Meanings: spot, point, mark, speck, decimal point
Readings: カン、 せき、 -ぜき、 かか.わる、 からくり、 かんぬき
Meanings: connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning
Meanings: idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking
Readings: ケン、 み.る、 み.える、 み.せる
Meanings: see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible
Readings: イ、 こと、 こと.なる、 け
Meanings: uncommon, different, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual