
Sentence Analyzer

この 初心者 分かる ような 易しい 英語 かかれている

English Translation

This book is written in easy English for beginners to understand.




Kono hon wa shoshinsha ni mo wakaru yōna yasashii eigo de kakareteiru.


此の (この)
this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)
book; volume; script; this; present; main; head; real; regular; counter for long cylindrical things; counter for films, TV shows, etc.; counter for goals, home runs, etc.; counter for telephone calls
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
初心者 (しょしんしゃ)
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence); both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence); even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than; even if; even though; although; in spite of; further; more; again; another; the other
分かる (わかる)
to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow; to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
様だ (ようだ)
(usu. at sentence-end) seeming to be; appearing to be; like; similar to; in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; indicates hope, wish, request or mild command
易しい (やさしい)
easy; plain; simple
英語 (えいご)
English (language)
indicates location of action; at; in; indicates time of action; indicates means of action; cause of effect; by; and then; so; indicates continuing action; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.


Readings: ホン、 もと
Meanings: book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things
Readings: ショ、 はじ.め、 はじ.めて、 はつ、 はつ-、 うい-、 -そ.める、 -ぞ.め
Meanings: first time, beginning
Readings: シン、 こころ、 -ごころ
Meanings: heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61)
Readings: シャ、 もの
Meanings: someone, person
Readings: ブン、 フン、 ブ、 わ.ける、 わ.け、 わ.かれる、 わ.かる、 わ.かつ
Meanings: part, minute of time, segment, share, degree, one's lot, duty, understand, know, rate, 1%, chances, shaku/100
Readings: エキ、 イ、 やさ.しい、 やす.い
Meanings: easy, ready to, simple, fortune-telling, divination
Readings: エイ、 はなぶさ
Meanings: England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx
Readings: ゴ、 かた.る、 かた.らう
Meanings: word, speech, language