
Sentence Analyzer

どこ 行こう とも 同じ ような いる もの です

English Translation

Wherever you go, you will find the same kind of people.




Doko e ikou tomo, onaji yōna hito wa iru mono desu.


何処 (どこ、いずこ、いずく、いづこ、いどこ)
where; what place; how much (long, far); what extent
indicates direction or goal (e.g. "to")
行く (いく、ゆく)
to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach; to proceed; to take place; to pass through; to come and go; to walk; to die; to pass away; to do (in a specific way); to stream; to flow; to continue; to have an orgasm; to come; to cum; to trip; to get high; to have a drug-induced hallucination
とも (とも)
certainly; of course; to be sure; surely; even if; no matter (who, what, when, where, why, how); though; although; without even; without so much as; at the (least, earliest, etc.); also (called); emphatic particle
同じ (おなじ、おんなじ)
same; identical; equal; uniform; equivalent; similar; common (origin); changeless; alike; (usu. part of a 'nara' conditional) anyway; anyhow; in either case
様だ (ようだ)
(usu. at sentence-end) seeming to be; appearing to be; like; similar to; in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; indicates hope, wish, request or mild command
man; person; human being; mankind; people; human (Homo sapiens); humans as a species; character; personality; man of talent; true man; another person; other people; others; adult
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
要る (いる)
to need; to want
です (です)
be; is


Readings: コウ、 ギョウ、 アン、 い.く、 ゆ.く、 -ゆ.き、 -ゆき、 -い.き、 -いき、 おこな.う、 おこ.なう
Meanings: going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank
Readings: ドウ、 おな.じ
Meanings: same, agree, equal
Readings: ジン、 ニン、 ひと、 -り、 -と
Meaning: person