
Sentence Analyzer

もう から まで 働いて くたくた

English Translation

I'm beat. I've been working from dawn to dusk.




Mō asa kara ban made hataraite kutakuta da yo.


もう (もう)
now; soon; shortly; before long; presently; already; yet; by now; (not) anymore; further; more; again; another; the other; interjection used to strengthen expression of an emotion (often exasperation)
から (から)
from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since; from (originator); by; because; since; out of (constituent, part); through (e.g. window, vestibule); after; since
evening; counter for nights
until (a time); till; to; up to; to (a place); as far as; to (an extent); up to; so far as; even; only; merely
働く (はたらく)
to work; to labor; to labour; to function; to operate; to be effective; to work (i.e. ... works); to come into play; to commit (e.g. a crime); to perpetrate; to do; to act; to practise; to practice; to be conjugated
くたくた (くたくた、ぐたぐた、ぐだぐだ)
exhausted; tired; withered; worn out; boiling until shapeless or mushy; tediously; repetitively; wordily
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative
indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.; used when calling out to someone; used to catch one's breath or get someone's attention; yo!


Readings: チョウ、 あさ
Meanings: morning, dynasty, regime, epoch, period, (North) Korea
Reading: バン
Meanings: nightfall, night
Readings: ドウ、 リュク、 リキ、 ロク、 リョク、 はたら.く
Meanings: work, (kokuji)