
Sentence Analyzer

委員 全員 その 計画 賛成 ある

English Translation

The committee are all for the plan.




Iin wa zen'in sono keikaku ni sansei de aru.


委員 (いいん)
committee member
topic marker particle; indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated); adds emphasis
全員 (ぜんいん)
all members (unanimity); all hands; the whole crew; everyone; everybody
其の (その)
that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener); the; um...; er...; uh...
計画 (けいかく)
plan; project; schedule; scheme; program; programme
at (place, time); in; on; during; to (direction, state); toward; into; for (purpose); because of (reason); for; with; by; from; as (i.e. in the role of); per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month"); and; in addition to; if; although
賛成 (さんせい)
approval; agreement; support; favour; favor
be; is; indicates past or completed action; indicates light imperative
a certain ...; some ...


Readings: イ、 ゆだ.ねる
Meanings: committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard
Reading: イン
Meanings: employee, member, number, the one in charge
Readings: ゼン、 まった.く、 すべ.て
Meanings: whole, entire, all, complete, fulfill
Readings: ケイ、 はか.る、 はか.らう
Meanings: plot, plan, scheme, measure
Readings: ガ、 カク、 エ、 カイ、 えが.く、 かく.する、 かぎ.る、 はかりごと、 はか.る
Meanings: brush-stroke, picture
Readings: サン、 たす.ける、 たた.える
Meanings: approve, praise, title or inscription on picture, assist, agree with
Readings: セイ、 ジョウ、 な.る、 な.す、 -な.す
Meanings: turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach