
Sentence Analyzer

降る かも しれない 降らない かも しれない

English Translation

It may rain, and then again, it may not.




Ame ga furu kamo shirenai shi furanai kamo shirenai.


indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
降る (ふる)
to precipitate; to fall (e.g. rain)
かも (かも)
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
知れる (しれる)
to become known; to come to light; to be discovered; to be known; to be understood; to obviously not amount to much; to seem trivial; to be evident; to be obvious; to go without saying; to be very intense (worry, hope, etc.); to be extremely severe
(at the end of a phrase) notes one (of several) reasons
下る (くだる)
to descend; to go down; to come down; to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.); to pass (of time); to surrender; to capitulate; (often in neg. form) to be less than; to be inferior to; to have the runs; to have diarrhea


Readings: ウ、 あめ、 あま-、 -さめ
Meaning: rain
Readings: コウ、 ゴ、 お.りる、 お.ろす、 ふ.る、 ふ.り、 くだ.る、 くだ.す
Meanings: descend, precipitate, fall, surrender