
Sentence Analyzer

したい 決心 つき 次第 電話 ください

English Translation

Please telephone me when you have made up your mind what you want to do.




Nani o shitai ka kesshin ga tsuki shidai, denwa o kudasai.


what; how many; you-know-what; that; whatsit; what's the expression; what do you call them; what?; hey!
indicates direct object of action; indicates subject of causative expression; indicates an area traversed; indicates time (period) over which action takes place; indicates point of departure or separation of action; indicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.
為る (する)
to do; to cause to become; to make (into); to turn (into); to serve as; to act as; to work as; to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.); to judge as being; to view as being; to think of as; to treat as; to use as; to decide on; to choose; to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.); to be (in a state, condition, etc.); to be worth; to cost; to pass (of time); to elapse; verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech "vs"); creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with "o" or "go"); to be just about to; to be just starting to; to try to; to attempt to
indicates a question (sometimes rhetorical); or; whether or not; some- (e.g. something, someone); indicates doubt, uncertainty, etc.; emphatic prefix; suffix forming adjectives or adverbs; in that way
決心 (けっしん)
determination; resolution
indicates sentence subject (occasionally object); indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions); but; however; still; and
点く (つく)
to be lit (e.g. electricity comes on); to be lighted; to catch fire
次第 (しだい)
dependent upon; as soon as; immediately (upon); circumstances; order; precedence; program; programme; agenda
電話 (でんわ)
telephone call; phone call; telephone (device); phone
下さる (くださる)
to give; to confer; to bestow; to kindly do for one; to oblige; to favour; to favor


Readings: カ、 なに、 なん、 なに-、 なん-
Meaning: what
Readings: ケツ、 き.める、 -ぎ.め、 き.まる、 さ.く
Meanings: decide, fix, agree upon, appoint
Readings: シン、 こころ、 -ごころ
Meanings: heart, mind, spirit, heart radical (no. 61)
Readings: ジ、 シ、 つ.ぐ、 つぎ
Meanings: next, order, sequence
Readings: ダイ、 テイ
Meanings: No., residence
Reading: デン
Meaning: electricity
Readings: ワ、 はな.す、 はなし
Meanings: tale, talk