
Kana: ユウ、ユ、いたち
Romaji: yuu, yu, itachi


weasel, skunk, ermine

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  18
Radical Number:  208
Skip Pattern:  3-13-5
Korean Reading:  yu
Chinese Reading:  you4
Unicode:  9f2c
JIS:  736C


Nelson Index: 5418
New Nelson Index: 7079
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 0a18.1
Four Corner Index: 7571.6
Daikanwanjiten Index: 48427
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 12.1069


weasel (esp. the Japanese weasel, Mustela itatsi); mustelid (any other member of the weasel family, incl. badgers, martens, minks, ferrets, otters, polecats, stoats, skunks, etc.)
鼬ごっこ (いたちごっこ、イタチごっこ、イタチゴッコ)
doing the same thing repeatedly
鎧鼬魚 (よろいいたちうお、ヨロイイタチウオ)
snubnose brotula; armoured cusk (Hoplobrotula armata)
鼬鮫 (いたちざめ、イタチザメ)
tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
鼬魚 (いたちうお、イタチウオ)
goatsbeard brotula (species of ophidiiform fish, Brotula multibarbata)
いたちの道 (いたちのみち)
not to write to or visit someone; road of the weasel (it is believed that if someone blocks the path a weasel, he will never take that path again)
鎌鼬 (かまいたち)
type Japanese folkloric monster (yokai), thought to be a trio of weasels who appear in a whirlwind to cut their victim; cut caused by whirlwind
鼬萩 (いたちはぎ、イタチハギ)
false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa); bastard indigo; leadwort
鼬穴熊 (いたちあなぐま、イタチアナグマ)
ferret badger (esp. the Chinese ferret-badger, Melogale moschata)
鼬の最後っ屁 (いたちのさいごっぺ)
final emergency measure; final defence when one is cornered (defense); the final fart of a weasel
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