
Kana: アン、オン、やみ、くら.い
Romaji: an, on, yami, kura.i


get dark, gloom, disorder

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  17
Radical Number:  169
Frequency:  1969
Grade:  8
Skip Pattern:  3-8-9
Korean Reading:  am
Chinese Reading:  an4
Unicode:  95c7
JIS:  3047


Halpern Index: 3332
Nelson Index: 4969
New Nelson Index: 6414
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 8e9.5
Four Corner Index: 7760.1
Gakken Index: 1758
Japanese Names Index: 2709
Daikanwanjiten Index: 41421
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 11.0757
Remembering the kanji Index: 2777
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 2846
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 1748
Essential Kanji Index: 1899
Kodansha Kanji Index: 4134


darkness; the dark; dark; bewilderment; despair; hopelessness; black-marketeering; shady; illegal; under-the-table
闇市 (やみいち)
black market
ヤミ金 (ヤミきん、やみきん)
black-market lending; illegal loan
一寸先は闇 (いっすんさきはやみ)
No one knows what the future holds; The future is a closed book
闇夜の礫 (やみよのつぶて)
aimless attempt; shot in the dark
暗闇 (くらやみ)
darkness; the dark
闇夜 (あんや、やみよ)
dark night
暁闇 (あかつきやみ、あかときやみ)
moonless dawn
闇路 (やみじ)
dark road
闇夜の鉄砲 (やみよのてっぽう)
aimless attempt; shot in the dark
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