
Kana: エキ、セキ、わき
Romaji: eki, seki, waki


armpit, side

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  12
Radical Number:  130
Skip Pattern:  1-4-8
Korean Reading:  aeg
Chinese Reading:  ye4
Unicode:  814b
JIS:  667E


Halpern Index: 1004
Nelson Index: 3783
New Nelson Index: 4833
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 4b8.8
Four Corner Index: 7024.7
Daikanwanjiten Index: 29615
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 9.0333
Kodansha Kanji Index: 1266


armpit; under one's arm; side; flank; beside; close to; near; by; aside; to the side; away; out of the way; off-track; off-topic; deuteragonist; supporting role; second verse (in a linked series of poems)
葉腋 (ようえき)
leaf axil
腋窩腺 (えきかせん)
axillary gland
腋毛 (わきげ)
underarm hair
闕腋 (けってき、けつえき)
unstitched, open side of some traditional Japanese clothing; clothing with such an open side; robe worn by military officials with a round collar, unstitched open sides and no ran
腋窩 (えきか、えきわ)
armpit; axilla
脇の下 (わきのした)
armpit; axilla
腋臭 (わきが)
body odor (odour); abnormal underarm odor (odour)
千金の裘は一狐の腋に非ず (せんきんのきゅうはいっこのえきにあらず)
an expensive fur coat will not be made with a single fox alone; to rule a country requires many great men
腋窩動脈 (えきかどうみゃく)
axillary artery; arteria axillaris
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