
Kana: シ、や
Romaji: shi, ya


dart, arrow

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  5
Radical Number:  111
Frequency:  1294
Grade:  2
Skip Pattern:  2-2-3
Korean Reading:  si
Chinese Reading:  shi3
Unicode:  77e2
JIS:  4C70


Halpern Index: 2009
Nelson Index: 3168


arrow; wedge; chock
矢印 (やじるし)
arrow (mark or symbol); directional marker or indicator
矢先 (やさき)
arrowhead; brunt; target; being about to; being on the point of
一矢 (いっし)
an arrow; (a) retort
嚆矢 (こうし)
arrow to which is attached a turnip-shaped whistle made of hollowed-out wood or deer horn; whistling arrow used to signal the start of battle; the start of things
無理やり (むりやり)
forcibly; against one's will
弓矢 (ゆみや、きゅうし)
bow and arrow
矢作 (やはぎ)
fletcher; arrow maker; fletching; arrow-making
turret; watchtower; high wooden stage; scaffolding; wooden frame (of a kotatsu); weapons storehouse
矢倉 (やぐら)
caves dug as tombs in and around Kamakura during the Kamakura and Muromachi periods
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