
Kana: ボク、モク、むつ.まじい、むつ.む、むつ.ぶ
Romaji: boku, moku, mutsu.majii,, mutsu.bu

Name Readings

Kana: むつ、ちか、よし、あつ、む、むね
Romaji: mutsu, chika, yoshi, atsu, mu, mune


intimate, friendly, harmonious

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  13
Radical Number:  109
Frequency:  1993
Grade:  8
Skip Pattern:  1-5-8
Korean Reading:  mog
Chinese Reading:  mu4
Unicode:  7766
JIS:  4B53


Halpern Index: 1199
Nelson Index: 3146
New Nelson Index: 3945
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 5c8.6
Four Corner Index: 6401.4
Gakken Index: 1844
Japanese Names Index: 1904
Daikanwanjiten Index: 23460
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 8.0236
Remembering the kanji Index: 1514
1999 Kanji Learners Index: 812
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 1107
French Remembering the Kanji Index: 1528
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 1632
Essential Kanji Index: 1984
Kodansha Kanji Index: 1534
Roo 2001 Kanji Index: 3972


和睦 (わぼく)
reconciliation; peace; rapprochement
親睦 (しんぼく)
friendship; amity
仲睦まじい (なかむつまじい)
harmonious; intimate
睦まじい (むつまじい)
harmonious; happy; affectionate
睦言 (むつごと)
lovers' talk; whispered intimacies
睦月 (むつき)
first month of the lunar calendar; January
親睦会 (しんぼくかい)
informal social gathering
睦ぶ (むつぶ)
to be harmonious; to get on well; to be intimate or close
睦む (むつむ)
to be harmonious; to get on well; to be intimate or close
睦み合う (むつみあう)
to get along well together; to be close to each other
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