
Kana: ロウ、おおかみ
Romaji: rou, ookami



Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  10
Radical Number:  94
Frequency:  2129
Grade:  9
Skip Pattern:  1-3-7
Korean Reading:  rang
Chinese Reading:  lang2
Unicode:  72fc
JIS:  4F35


Nelson Index: 2888
New Nelson Index: 3579
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 3g7.3
Four Corner Index: 4323.2
Japanese Names Index: 1303
Daikanwanjiten Index: 20432
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 7.0702
Remembering the kanji Index: 2339
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 407
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 2428
Kodansha Kanji Index: 541


wolf (Canis lupus); wolf in sheep's clothing; womanizer
一匹狼 (いっぴきおおかみ、いっぴきオオカミ)
lone wolf; loner; self-reliant person
狼煙 (のろし、ろうえん、ほうか)
beacon; skyrocket; signal fire; smoke signals; starting shot; starting signal
シメニア狼 (シメニアおおかみ)
simenian wolf (carnivore, Canis simensis); Abyssinia jackal; simian jackal; simenian jackal; Ethiopian wolf
狼座 (おおかみざ)
Lupus (constellation); the Wolf
餓狼 (がろう)
hungry wolf
狼狽 (ろうばい)
confusion; dismay; consternation; panic
狼藉 (ろうぜき)
violence; outrage; riot; confusion; disorder
天狼星 (てんろうせい)
Sirius (star in the constellation Canis Major); Alpha Canis Majoris; the Dog Star
エチオピア狼 (エチオピアおおかみ)
Ethiopian wolf (carnivore, Canis simensis); Abyssinia jackal; simian jackal; simenian jackal; simenian wolf
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