
Kana: ネツ、デツ、そ.める
Romaji: netsu, detsu, so.meru


black soil

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  10
Radical Number:  85
Skip Pattern:  1-3-7
Korean Reading:  nal
Chinese Reading:  nie4
Unicode:  6d85
JIS:  5E3A


Nelson Index: 2564
New Nelson Index: 3148
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 3a7.8
Four Corner Index: 3611.4
Daikanwanjiten Index: 17521
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 6.1182
Remembering the kanji Index: 2331
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 2421


涅槃 (ねはん)
Nirvana; Buddha's death; salvation
仏涅槃 (ぶつねはん)
the death of Shakyamuni Buddha; Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death (orig. 15th of the 2nd month, now 15th of the 3rd month)
涅槃会 (ねはんえ)
Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death (orig. 15th of the 2nd month, now 15th of the 3rd month)
涅槃原則 (ねはんげんそく)
Nirvana principle
涅槃西風 (ねはんにし、ねはんにしかぜ)
wind blowing on the day of the Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death (15th day of the 2nd month)
大般涅槃経 (だいはつねはんぎょう)
Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra; Nirvana Sutra
仏涅槃忌 (ぶつねはんき)
Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death (orig. 15th of the 2nd month, now 15th of the 3rd month)
涅槃経 (ねはんぎょう)
Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra; Nirvana Sutra
涅槃寂静 (ねはんじゃくじょう)
enlightenment leads to serenity
涅槃雪 (ねはんゆき)
last snows; snow remaining after the anniversary of Buddha's death
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