
Kana: エイ、セツ、も.らす、の.びる、も.れる
Romaji: ei, setsu, mo.rasu, no.biru, mo.reru


leak, escape

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  9
Radical Number:  85
Skip Pattern:  1-3-6
Korean Reading:  ye
Chinese Reading:  xie4
Unicode:  6d29
JIS:  314C


Nelson Index: 2540
New Nelson Index: 3118
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 3a6.3
Four Corner Index: 3510.6
Daikanwanjiten Index: 17401
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 6.1105
Remembering the kanji Index: 2849
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 2864


漏洩 (ろうえい、ろうせつ)
disclosure; leak (of information); divulging; leakage (e.g. of gas or liquids); leak; escape (e.g. of gas); coming in (through) (e.g. of light)
漏れる (もれる)
to leak out; to escape; to come through; to shine through; to filter out; to be omitted
漏る (もる)
to leak; to run out
木漏れ日 (こもれび)
sunlight filtering through trees
秘密漏洩 (ひみつろうえい、ひみつろうせつ)
leaking of a secret; leakage of a secret
ご多分にもれず (ごたぶんにもれず)
as is usual with; in common with
漏れ (もれ)
leakage; omission; oversight; I; me
漏らす (もらす)
to let leak; to reveal; to wet one's pants; to give utterance; to vent; to express; to omit; to leave out
秘密漏洩罪 (ひみつろうえいざい、ひみつろうせつざい)
(crime of) revealing state secrets; charge of revealing national security information
軍紀漏洩 (ぐんきろうえい)
disclosure (leakage, betrayal) of military secrets
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