
Kana: マイ、バイ、くら.い、むさぼ.る
Romaji: mai, bai, kura.i,


dark, foolish

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  9
Radical Number:  72
Grade:  8
Skip Pattern:  1-4-5
Korean Reading:  mae
Chinese Reading:  mei4
Unicode:  6627
JIS:  4B66


Nelson Index: 2113
New Nelson Index: 2444
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 4c5.2
Four Corner Index: 6509.0
Daikanwanjiten Index: 13846
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 5.0833
Remembering the kanji Index: 2445
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 794
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 231
Kodansha Kanji Index: 1105


曖昧 (あいまい)
vague; ambiguous; unclear; fuzzy
三昧 (ざんまい)
indulgence; luxury
念仏三昧 (ねんぶつざんまい)
being deep in prayer; praying devoutly to Amida Buddha
放蕩三昧 (ほうとうざんまい)
being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures; giving oneself up to debauchery and dissipation
無知愚昧 (むちぐまい)
unenlightened; in the darkest ignorance; not knowing from A to B
三昧 (さんまい)
samadhi (state of intense concentration achieved through meditation); concentrating on something; absorbing oneself in something
あいまい検索 (あいまいけんさく)
fuzzy reference; ambiguous search; ambiguous retrieval
風流三昧 (ふうりゅうざんまい)
taking delight in elegant pursuits; being absorbed in such elegant cultural pursuits as poetry, painting and calligraphy
凡庸愚昧 (ぼんようぐまい)
ordinary and ignorant; mediocre and stupid
無知蒙昧 (むちもうまい)
unenlightened; in the darkest ignorance
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