
Kana: キョク、あさひ
Romaji: kyoku, asahi

Name Readings

Kana: あきら、あき、てる、ひ
Romaji: akira, aki, teru, hi


rising sun, morning sun

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  6
Radical Number:  72
Frequency:  1417
Grade:  9
Skip Pattern:  3-2-4
Korean Reading:  ug
Chinese Reading:  xu4
Unicode:  65ed
JIS:  3030


Halpern Index: 2977
Nelson Index: 2099
New Nelson Index: 2416
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 4c2.6
Four Corner Index: 4601.0
Gakken Index: 1146
Japanese Names Index: 300
Daikanwanjiten Index: 13747
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 5.0749
Remembering the kanji Index: 27
1999 Kanji Learners Index: 1890
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 2571
French Remembering the Kanji Index: 27
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 27
Kodansha Kanji Index: 3697
Roo 2001 Kanji Index: 1657


朝日 (あさひ)
morning sun
旭日大綬章 (きょくじつだいじゅしょう)
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
旭蟹 (あさひがに、アサヒガニ)
red frog crab (Ranina ranina)
旭光 (きょっこう)
rays of the rising sun
旭日小綬章 (きょくじつしょうじゅしょう)
Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Rosette
旭日 (きょくじつ)
rising sun
旭日重光章 (きょくじつじゅうこうしょう)
Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star
旭旗 (きょっき)
rising sun flag
旭日旗 (きょくじつき)
Japan's naval ensign; Japanese flag used on military ships
旭日昇天 (きょくじつしょうてん)
full of vigor and vitality (like the rising sun) (vigour); being in the ascendant
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