
Kana: キ、い.む、い.み、い.まわしい
Romaji: ki,, i.mi, i.mawashii

Name Reading

Kana: いまわ
Romaji: imawa


mourning, abhor, detestable, death anniversary

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  7
Radical Number:  49
Frequency:  1882
Grade:  8
Skip Pattern:  2-3-4
Korean Reading:  gi
Chinese Reading:  ji4
Unicode:  5fcc
JIS:  3477


Halpern Index: 2207
Nelson Index: 1463
New Nelson Index: 1786
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 4k3.4
Four Corner Index: 1733.1
Guide to Remembering Index: 1122
Gakken Index: 1819
Japanese Names Index: 462
Daikanwanjiten Index: 10310
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 4.0953
Remembering the kanji Index: 599
Kanji Flashcards Index: 1287
Kodansha Compact Index: 769
Kanji in Context Index: 1697
1999 Kanji Learners Index: 1401
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 1889
French Remembering the Kanji Index: 606
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 644
Essential Kanji Index: 1522
Kodansha Kanji Index: 2735
Roo 2001 Kanji Index: 3558
Tuttle Kanji Cards Index: 1121


mourning; mourning period; anniversary of one's death
禁忌 (きんき)
taboo; day, time, direction, words, etc. that must be avoided; contraindication
回忌 (かいき)
death anniversary
忌日 (きにち、きじつ)
anniversary of a person's death (on which Buddhist commemorative rites, etc. are performed); 49th day after a person's death, on which Buddhist rituals are performed
忌む (いむ)
to avoid; to refrain from; to shun; to detest
忌み (いみ)
mourning; abstinence; taboo; religious purification; pure; holy
忌避 (きひ)
evasion; shirking; avoidance; challenge; (taking) exception
忌み嫌う (いみきらう)
to detest; to abhor; to loathe
忌み日 (いみび)
unlucky day (according to astrology); (previously a) death anniversary; purification and fast day
周忌 (しゅうき)
death anniversary
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