
Kana: コウ、キョウ
Romaji: kou, kyō

Name Readings

Kana: たか、たかし、のり、よし
Romaji: taka, takashi, nori, yoshi


filial piety, child's respect

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  7
Radical Number:  24
Frequency:  1030
Grade:  6
Skip Pattern:  3-4-3
Korean Reading:  hyo
Chinese Reading:  xiao4
Unicode:  5b5d
JIS:  3927


Halpern Index: 3205
Nelson Index: 773
New Nelson Index: 1289
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 2k4.3
Four Corner Index: 4440.7
Guide to Remembering Index: 860
Gakken Index: 1249
Japanese Names Index: 541
Daikanwanjiten Index: 6952
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 3.0826
Remembering the kanji Index: 1253
Kanji Flashcards Index: 1204
Kodansha Compact Index: 459
Read Writing Kanji Third Index: 870
Kanji in Context Index: 738
1999 Kanji Learners Index: 2044
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 2761
French Remembering the Kanji Index: 1261
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 1342
Essential Kanji Index: 865
Kodansha Kanji Index: 3973
Roo 2001 Kanji Index: 1447
Read Writing the Kanji Index: 781
Tuttle Kanji Cards Index: 850


filial piety
孝行 (こうこう)
filial piety
親孝行 (おやこうこう)
filial piety
至孝 (しこう)
supreme filial piety
忠孝仁義 (ちゅうこうじんぎ)
loyalty, filial piety, humanity, and justice
孝子 (こうし)
filial child
忠孝 (ちゅうこう)
loyalty and filial piety
奥さん孝行 (おくさんこうこう)
devoted to one's wife
不孝 (ふこう、ふきょう)
undutifulness to one's parents; lack of filial piety; (the crime of) cursing one's parents; disowning one's child
仁義忠孝 (じんぎちゅうこう)
humanity, justice, loyalty, and filial piety
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