
Kana: ハク、ホク、へ.ぐ、へず.る、む.く、む.ける、は.がれる、は.ぐ、は.げる、は.がす
Romaji: haku, hoku,,, mu.ku, mu.keru, ha.gareru,, ha.geru, ha.gasu


come off, peel, fade, discolor

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  10
Radical Number:  18
Frequency:  2383
Grade:  8
Skip Pattern:  1-8-2
Korean Reading:  bag
Chinese Reading:  bao1
Unicode:  5265
JIS:  476D


Nelson Index: 695
New Nelson Index: 496
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 2f8.4
Four Corner Index: 2210.0
Japanese Names Index: 1427
Daikanwanjiten Index: 48939
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 2.0292
Remembering the kanji Index: 2145
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 1227
Kodansha Kanji Index: 2106


coming off; peeling off; being worn off; faded; discolored; discoloured
剥がす (はがす、へがす)
to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay; to disrobe; to deprive of; to detach; to disconnect
剥ぐ (はぐ、へぐ)
to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay; to bark; to disrobe; to strip of (e.g. clothes, rank); to deprive of; to divest
剥き出し (むきだし)
nakedness; frankness
剥製 (はくせい)
stuffing; mounting; stuffed animal
剥奪 (はくだつ)
deprivation; divestiture; revocation
剥離 (はくり)
detachment; coming off; peeling off; separation
剥く (むく)
to peel; to skin; to pare; to hull; to bare (e.g. fangs); to open wide (e.g. eyes)
剥がれる (はがれる)
to come unstuck from
剥ぎ取り (はぎとり)
stripping; skinning; tearing; removing
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