
Kana: バツ、ハツ、カ、ボチ、き.る、そむ.く、う.つ
Romaji: batsu, hatsu, ka, bochi,, somu.ku, u.tsu


fell, strike, attack, punish

Stroke Diagram


Kanji Info

Stroke Count:  6
Radical Number:  9
Frequency:  1816
Grade:  8
Skip Pattern:  1-2-4
Korean Reading:  beol
Chinese Reading:  fa1
Unicode:  4f10
JIS:  4832


Halpern Index: 42
Nelson Index: 370
New Nelson Index: 132
Spahn Hadamitzky Index: 2a4.5
Four Corner Index: 2325.0
Guide to Remembering Index: 1707
Gakken Index: 1990
Daikanwanjiten Index: 439
Daikanwanjiten Index and Page: 1.0661
Remembering the kanji Index: 994
Kanji Flashcards Index: 1040
Kodansha Compact Index: 70
Kanji in Context Index: 1422
1999 Kanji Learners Index: 26
2013 Kanji Learners Index: 27
French Remembering the Kanji Index: 1003
Remembering the Kanji 6th Index: 1069
Essential Kanji Index: 1535
Kodansha Kanji Index: 46
Roo 2001 Kanji Index: 2159
Tuttle Kanji Cards Index: 1058


討伐 (とうばつ)
subjugation; suppression
伐採 (ばっさい)
lumbering; felling; deforestation
誅伐 (ちゅうばつ)
assailing criminals
輪伐 (りんばつ)
logging in order by area
木を伐る (きをきる)
to fell a tree
征伐 (せいばつ)
conquest; subjugation; overcoming; chastisement; punishment; punitive expedition
伐る (きる)
to cut down (e.g. trees)
伐つ (うつ)
to strike; to attack; to punish
乱伐 (らんばつ)
reckless deforestation; overcutting of forests
伐木 (ばつぼく)
felling; logging
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